Hi Everyone
As with a lot of us professional photographers, this has been a difficult year and we have had to re-prioritise both our potential income generation and also how we spend our photographic time. As you know, in addtion to being a professional event and coporate photographer, working in Edinburgh, Glasgow and around Scotland, I am also a fine art infrared photographer and the lockdown has given me the opportunity to photograph more infrared in my local area. Now that the weather is about to start changing, it is time to take the infrared photography genre forward, we will see more sunshine and also greater detail in the trees, to make our foliage images morre interesting. Also it is worth pointing out that outdoor photography in general is easier in the spring and summer months, as you can take your time and frame the image easier, try doing that in Dunbar by the sea in the middle of November in sub-zero temperatures with a gale force wind blowing in your direction – in these cases, speed is of the esssence. So what is in store for me this year 2021, well more infrared photogrpahy for a start, then I plan to expand on the plans for an “Infrared Photography in Scotland” book and I also aim to keep adding to my collection of infrared images, exploring new areas and subjects to photograph – nothing is sacred. Whilst the lockdown has increased the number and range of photos from East Lothian that I now have to add to my collection – including an entirely new section for my book on infrared harbour photography, which I have now decided to add to the book – now will be the time to travel more throughout Scotland to add to the infrared images from other areas, in particular, Argyll and Highlands and Islands, plus some wildlife infrared photos.
So onwards and upwards and I will leave you with a few local infrared harbour and coastline photos taken recently.
Until next time.