As a professional photographer specialising in professional corporate and event photography in Edinburgh and throughout Scotland, I have had to re-evaluate my photographic options during this time. So I thought I would do a quick checklist of the positive aspects of this strange and somewhat disturbing time and here they are:
- I have focused very closely on local issues and tried to photogrpah them to perfection
- I have had time to photograph subjects such as the kittiwake chicks hatching, bees, waves and harbours
- I have updated my websites more regularly and engaged more in social media
- I have added some new photoshop skills and experimented generally with software
- I have vastly increased my infrared photography image collection
- I have learned how to use the more detailed functions of my cameras and related equipment
- This period re-affirmed just how important and crucial photography is to my mental health and wellbeing
- I have done some of my best fine art photography work and it has all been done without much travelling, all the above photos for instance were taken in Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
- I have a lot of fine art images for my websites
- I have had time to re-visit some older photos and spend time editing them