Hi Everyone
Whilst we are all kind of getting used to this new normal as we come out of lockdown, for many professional photographers like myself, especially corporate and event photographers, this has been a time to expore new markets and strategies. In relation to infrared photography around East Lothian, where I have explored and examined my local area more closely from a fine art point of view and subjects such as nesting gulls, harbour and seascapes, have been added to my infrared photography collection in Scotland. I have also re-visited some areas, such as bee photography and waves and storms. Having the luxury to leave the house whenever the conditions are right, has enabled me to capture special moments. I have also updated my photoshop skills and expanded my website and social media contacts. So there really is no excuse to prevent you from developing as a photographer, even in these difficult dark times. So when the time for professional event and corporate photography in Edinburgh and Scotland resumes, I will be ready.