Hi Everyone
Just when we thought it was safe to assume things were starting to look up for corporate and event photographers in Scotland during this pandemic, we seem to be going backwards again. So what can professional photographers do during this time. this question has a lot of strands to it. First of all, we have to ensure we are safe and looking after the health of our families. However there are still a number of things you can do during this time and some of them involve looking after your mental health. Firstly, you can keep taking photos, this is vital, even if there is no commercial value to the photography, it is important to keep your motivation up and photography can cheer us up. Also this is a good time to familiarise yourself with your software, lets do something a bit different in photoshop, learn some new skills, there are plenty of free videos online. This can be a good time to sort out your strategy for the long term, where you need further investment and how to fund it. Keep talking to your business advisors at Business Gateway for instance and sort out the gaps in your equipment and devise a market strategy for the future. The time is also right to look at different markets ,or in my case, to increase my infrared photography portfolio and plan for my infrared Photography in Scotland book. it may be a good time to look closely at who your market is and to re-evaluate it. personally I am sticking with my corporate events and conferences, however I have been doing a lot more infrared fine art photography work and this time has given me a chance to improve on my weak areas, such as social media and advanced photo editing.
Hope this helps.
Until next time.